International Parliamentarians Congress

International Parliamentarians' Congress

Connecting Parliamentarians

A delegation consisting of two esteemed members from the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) recently carried out a comprehensive election observation mission in the Maldives. Led by IPC Secretary General Senator Sitara Ayaz, the delegation, accompanied by Member IPC from Jordan Parliament H.E AbdelRahim Maaia, received official accreditation from the Maldives Election Commission and diligently observed the presidential elections held on September 9, 2023.
During their mission, the IPC delegation visited various polling stations across the Male, closely observing the entire electoral process. Their presence aimed to evaluate the transparency, fairness, and integrity of the election, ensuring that democratic values were upheld throughout the voting procedure. The delegation actively engaged with local officials, election staff, and voters to garner a comprehensive understanding of the process.
Apart from their direct involvement in the elections, the IPC delegation also held significant meetings, notably with the Foreign Minister of Japan and the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Maldives. These diplomatic engagements aimed to foster meaningful relationships, exchange views on democratic processes, and discuss potential areas of cooperation with IPC.
One of the highlights of the delegation’s mission was their participation in the vote-counting process. They observed every aspect to ensure transparency, accuracy, and adherence to established procedures. Upholding the principles of independence and objectivity, the IPC delegation meticulously assessed the overall conduct of the election, offering valuable insights and recommendations for future improvements.
Senator Sitara Ayaz, Secretary General of the IPC, expressed her gratitude to the Maldives Election Commission for their cooperation and support throughout the mission.
The IPC delegation’s impartial assessment will soon be submitted in a comprehensive report, highlighting their observations, and recommendations. This report, after the approval by the government of Maldives, will be published and add as a resource material of IPC.

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