International Parliamentarians Congress

International Parliamentarians' Congress

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The Delegation of International Parliamentarians’ Congress Observes Thailand General Elections 2023

Thailand Elections

14th May 2023: The International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) successfully conducted an election observation mission to Thailand and observe their General Elections 2023. The IPC, having received accreditation from the Electoral Commission of Thailand (ECT), deployed a two-member delegation to observe the electoral process and ensure its transparency and fairness. The delegation was headed by the Secretary General IPC Senator Sitara Ayaz, accompanied by Manager Communications IPC Ms. Mehk Butt. The delegation arrived in Bangkok and immediately engaged in a comprehensive program organized by the ECT. On day one, a key meeting was held, during which the ECT shared detailed information about the election process with all the observer organizations. This meeting served as an essential foundation for understanding the electoral procedures and principles that would guide the observation mission. Moreover, the delegation met with the representatives from A-WEB, the Election Commission of India, the Election Commission of Cambodia, the Election Commission of South Africa and various other officials and international organizations representatives. On day two, which was the pre-election day, the IPC delegation visited various polling stations in Bangkok, with the purpose of closely observing the process of distributing election materials to the dedicated polling station staff. Additionally, the delegation had the opportunity to interview a select number of staff members to gain insights into their roles, responsibilities, and preparedness for election day. The election day, marked as the third day of the delegation’s mission, was divided into two distinct parts. In the morning, the IPC delegates observed the process of vote casting, ensuring its transparency and integrity. They precisely monitored polling stations to ensure compliance with electoral regulations and observe that every eligible citizen was exercising their democratic right freely.     Once the vote-casting time was ended, the IPC delegation continued its commitment to observing the electoral process by visiting the polling stations to observe the vote-counting process. The vote-counting process was held in a very transparent way, showing the ballot paper and counting the votes of representatives in front of observers. The International Parliamentarians Congress would like to extend its gratitude to the Electoral Commission of Thailand for the opportunity to observe the Thai General Elections 2023. The IPC reaffirms its commitment to fostering transparent and inclusive democratic practices worldwide. The findings and observations made during the mission will be compiled into a comprehensive report, which will be shared with the relevant stakeholders and the general public in due course.

International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Global Council for Peace and Tolerance GCTP in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) held the ninth session of its international parliament, chaired by His Excellency Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Jarwan, President of GCTP, and Her Excellency Margarita Restrepo, President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), at the Headquarters of the Federal National Council in UAE. The honourable member IPC Senator Kauda Babar who become a member of IPTP in July 2021, attended the session. The session was followed by the MOU signing ceremony between IPC and GCTP. The MOU was signed between the President GCTP H.E Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Jarwan, and the honourable Member and representative of IPC Senator Kauda Babar. GCTP is an international platform, established in November 2017 in Valetta, Malta with the mission to work on spreading the culture of tolerance and peace to address the issues of contemporary world peace and noble human objectives, through its different components such as the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) and the General Assembly. In alliance with MOU, IPC and GCTP will work together to promote distinguished cooperation in the field of tolerance and peace, conflict resolution, and human rights and will strengthen the bilateral relations to work for the progressive world with equality and equity.

Meeting with the Senior Representatives Of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat

The Senior Representative JICA, Tsuruoka Noriyuki, and Chief Program Manager JICA Dr. Haroon paid a comprehensive visit to the International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat in Islamabad, in order to address a variety of bilateral interests with the officials of the IPC. The representatives from JICA met with the Secretary-General of the IPC, Senator Sitara Ayaz, and highly praised the role of IPC, in a number of areas such as human development, collective cooperation, peaceful coexistence, etc. The meeting was organized to discussed several aspects of working development between IPC and JICA. The multiple possibilities were discussed during the meeting including Human development, human security, stable and collective development, and multilateral cooperation that will be further discussed in the follow-up meeting. As a result, both organizations agreed to find opportunities in future.

The Ambassador of The Republic Of Kazakhstan To The Pakistan, H.E Mr. Yerzhan Kistafin Visited The International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat in Islamabad

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Pakistan H.E Mr. Yerzhan Kistafin, paid an official visit to the International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat Islamabad. H.E. Mr. Yerzhan Kistafin was given a brief introduction of IPC, its role and achievements acquired so far, which he highly acknowledged and appreciated. Moreover, Secretary General-IPC Senator Sitara Ayaz admired the broad diplomatic and political career of the honourable Ambassador and declared his IPC’ visit, a landmark opportunity for future collaboration with parliamentary cooperation. The Ambassador H.E Mr. Yerzhan Kistafin showed his great acknowledgement and appreciation to the contribution of IPC in the various areas of common interests such as, climate change, human rights, food and health security, sustainable human development, interfaith harmony, trade and developmental cooperation etc. He was very grateful for the continuous support of Chairman Senate Senator Sadiq Sanjrani. He further agreed to continue such fruitful interaction with the IPC in the future and take this meeting to the multiple dimensional cooperation. In the end, a comprehensive visit to IPC Secretariat was given to His Excellency and souvenirs were exchanged between SG IPC and Ambassador H.E Mr. Yerzhan Kistafin. The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the major countries of Central Asia, having an active role in a number of regional organizations, therefore, such a high-level visit will have immense positive implications in the various areas of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.


Ms. Dr Maryam Mallick, Technical Advisor Disabilities, Road Safety, And Injury Prevention of World Health Organization Pakistan visited IPC. A fruitful meeting was held between Dr. Maryam Mallick from WHO-Pakistan and Mr. Ijlal Ali Khan IPC to discuss a number of areas of mutual interest including the various aspects of road safety and its implementation. Similarly, both sides addressed the issues of disabilities and its connection with lack of road safety. Moreover, they shared the desire to work on road safety on various levels to make sure maximum coordination and cooperation in the future together. They also assured cooperation to contain disabilities by effective road safety. Road safety is getting immense significance day by day not only nationally but internationally as well, therefore, the collective efforts between the two organizations will have tremendous significance regarding the said topic.

Newly appointed Ambassador of Bulgaria to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, H.E Ms. Irena Gancheva, visited the International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat in Islamabad

The Ambassador of Bulgaria to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E Ms Irena Gancheva visited International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) on an invitation of Assistant Secretary General IPC Mr. ljlal Ali Khan. Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif-Secretary General IPC and Mr Ijlal Ali Khan-Assistant Secretary General IPC gave a warm welcome to H.E Ms Irena Gancheva at the IPC secretariat. Secretary General IPC delineated the IPC’s roles and its objectives to the Honorable Ms Ambassador and shared important thematic areas on which IPC has been working, including Election Observation Mission. H.E. Ms Irena Gancheva appreciated the role of IPC and its election observation missions around the world. Moreover, she shared her career specifics and highlight the importance of people-to-people interaction in order to strengthen bilateral relations. She added that she will support IPC in every possible capacity and wishes to join hands in future endeavours. The visit concluded with the exchange of souvenirs between Ms Ambassador and Secretary General IPC. She also explained the historic and cultural symbolism of the souvenir and briefed about the Ministry of tourism-Bulgaria, while sharing a tourism booklet. In the end, she invited Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif-Secretary General IPC and Mr Ijlal Ali Khan-Assistant Secretary General IPC to visit Bulgarian Embassy.

H.E. Mr. Mohammed MotaharAlashabi, Ambassador of Yemen to Pakistan, visited the International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Secretariat in Islamabad

H.E. Mr. Mohammed Motahar Alashabi Ambassador of Yemen to Pakistan visited International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) on an invitation of Assistant Secretary General of IPC honorable Mr. ljlal Ali Khan. Mr Ijlal Khan Assistant secretary general IPC and Honorable Syed Abid Hasan technocrat member IPC welcomed H.E. Mr. Mohammed Motahar Alashabi at IPC secretariat. Mr. Ijlal delineated the IPC’s roles and its objectives to the Honorable Mr. Ambassador and shared important thematic areas on which IPC has been working till date. H.E. Mr. Mohammed Motahar Alashabi wishes IPC the best endeavors for the future and wishes to join hands. He hopes that the establishment of the forum would help develop a joint response against the common challenges in today’s globalized scenario. Mr Ijlal wishes to work with Yemen Government for collaboration on the current pressing issues on which the ambassador acknowledged the idea and soon the IPC will have member parliamentarians from Yemen too.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE and International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC), at IPC Secretariat, Islamabad.

A Meeting has been held Between Chief Executive Officer Of Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE Mr. Maxim Lavrov and Assistant Secretary-General of International Parliamentarians; Congress (IPC) Mr. Ijlal Ali Khan at IPC Secretariat Islamabad to sign an MOU between the organizations on 16th February 2021. The Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE (CGCT) is dedicated to providing weather modification services around the world. The core idea of CGCT is to ensure that all the countries understand the concept of water security and the effects of climate change on all walks of life. CGCT is a pioneer in introducing Climate Cron which is the monetization of service concept. CGCT believes that through IPC, they can convey their idea to the entire member Parliamentarians of the world and they can make necessary legislative reforms to change the ways humans view climate change. Mother Earth is challenged by insecurities and inequalities of opportunities and resources that continue to trigger threats to humanity and peace in the shape of climate change, ecological depletion, and human rights. IPC endeavours to establish a worldwide network of individual Members of Parliaments across countries, who voluntarily and passionately intend to work in unison to perpetually develop cooperation, synergy, and strategies across parliaments to achieve a prosperous and peaceful world through international dialogues. IPC promotes parliamentary dialogue and oversight of Climate Change and Food Security; Human Rights; Peace, Security, Conflict Resolution, and Interfaith Harmony; Trade, Investment, and Developmental Cooperation. In this manner, IPC and CGCT recognize the importance of mutual collaboration and cooperation to achieve their respective mandate signed an MOU to work together on human rights, water security and climate change.

The three-member delegation from Pakistan Met the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Budget, and Commerce of the Republic of Djibouti.

On day one, after meeting the Honorable President of Arab Parliament Honorable Mr. M. Adel Bin Abdoul Rahman Al Hassoumi, the three-member delegation met Minister of Foreign affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Djibouti, honorable Mr. Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, the Minister of Budget Mr. Abdoulkarim Aden Cher and the Minister of Commerce/Trade Mr. Hassan Houmed Ibrahim. Minister of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Djibouti shared that Djibouti is very ambitious to become a hub for the region and even beyond. They are developing infrastructure and emphasized the significance of strengthening the bilateral ties with Pakistan. He also talked about the importance of the road and belt initiative and said it is important to have a direct line between Pakistan and Djibouti for trade. They see Pakistan as a vibrant country with a growing economy and stated that Djibouti and Pakistan both states have the potential to work together towards development with corporation and unity. They appreciated the role of the International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) by mentioning that the pandemic COVID-19 has already shaken the world and the countries started moving towards isolation and the following protectionism. During this time, IPC is creating solidarity between us and the other countries and strengthening the foundation of a mutual understanding system. Secretary-General International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Senator Mohammad Ali Saif and Senator Mirza Mohammad Afridi talked about the bilateral expansion of trade between Djibouti and Pakistan and also requested for the exemption of Visa to official passports for Djibouti. Moreover, Djibouti is planning to open a Pakistan embassy in Djibouti.     Coverage in Local News

Pakistan Navy ship “NASR” reaches Djibouti carrying 50 metric ton rice for calamity-hit people. Honorable Secretary-General International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Senator Mohammad Ali Saif joined the event in Djibouti.

Pakistan Navy Ship “NASR” Friday arrived in Djibouti on a Port Call carrying a full load of 50 metric ton rice for calamity-hit people of Republic of Djibouti.To grace this event, the three-member delegation from Pakistan that includes Honorable Secretary-General International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) Senator Mohammad Ali Saif, Senator Mirza Mohammad Afridi, along with Mr. FayazThaheem, Manager Procurement, and Coordination IPC joined the event. Honorable Mr. Mohamed Ali Houmed,the President of the National Assembly of Republic of Djibouti welcomed the visit of PNS “NASR” to Djibouti and thanked the Government of Pakistan for the support. “NASR” is a replenishment ship serving Pakistan Navy since 1987. In this event Honorable Secretary-General IPC Senator Mohammad Ali Saif presented souvenirs to the Coastguard Chief of Djibouti and to the Commodore Shafqat Hussain Akhtar SI (M), Commander 9th Auxiliary Warfare Squadron, who led the PNS “NASR” ship. The PNS “NASR” is visiting to deliver food, as humanitarian assistance, to the people of Djibouti affected by catastrophic floods, droughts and influx of refugees from across the Gulf of Aden. The ship will continue its voyage to circumnavigate the African continent aimed to build the image of Pakistan through goodwill visits among major Horn and West African counties including Sudan, Benin, Niger and Kenya.