International Parliamentarians Congress

The Upper House of Parliament on Thursday passed a resolution to establish an International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) which would be a worldwide network of individual Members of Parliaments across countries.

The idea of IPC has been conceived by the Chairman Senate and the Members of Parliament in IPC would voluntarily work in unison to perpetually develop cooperation, synergy, and strategies across parliaments to strengthen democracy and achieve a prosperous and peaceful world through effective independent interaction among parliamentarians.

The resolution, tabled by the Leader of the House, says that the Members of Parliaments (MPs) have a key role to play in national and global efforts to promote and protect human rights, democracy and peace; It further said that the world today is challenged by insecurities and inequalities of opportunities and resources that continue to trigger threats to humanity in shape of climate change, ecological depletion, hazards of poverty, unemployment, economic disparity, malnutrition and diseases; Global challenges are more connected, but our responses remain fragmented; Parliamentarians have an opportunity, and a constitutional responsibility, to play a significant role in supporting and monitoring Sustainable peace and development, which are essential to the future of the planet and humanity. As per the resolution, the Headquarter of IPC shall be in Islamabad for which building and other allied amenities and taxes/duties exemptions on the logistical measures needed for the establishment of the Congress be provided. The House authorized the Chairman Senate to take all necessary measures for establishing and making the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) a unique platform to bring together parliamentarians from around the world not just as regional or national representatives, but more so as global parliamentarians and representatives of the whole humanity.

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