International Parliamentarians Congress

A two-Member delegation of the International Parliamentarians, Congress (IPC) attended the 44th Conference and 78th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Parliamentary Union (APU) at Victoria Falls-Zimbabwe

In October 2021, International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) received “Observer Status” in the 76th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Parliamentary Union (APU) by the Chairperson of APU in Djibouti. IPC and APU are continuously working towards developing and strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations among the various countries and spreading harmony and security in the African region through the platform of APU and IPC. In the same context, IPC received an invitation to the 44th Conference of Speakers of National Parliamentary Assemblies and the 78th Session of Executive meeting of APU held in Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe on 9th -10th November 2022. The two-member delegation, headed by the Secretary General IPC Senator Sitara Ayaz and also Assistant Secretary General IPC Mr. Ijlal Ali Khan assured the presence of IPC as an observer organization in the meeting and significantly attended it. The meeting discussed the important agendas including conflict, terrorism, and the issues caused by the conflicts, affecting the lives of people. IPC’s agenda of working towards peace and harmony would engage the African world to work collectively in achieving the mutual objective of stability, Sovereignty, and integration among nation-states. The delegation was honoured to meet several Speakers of Parliaments, and its Parliamentarians and engaged them over the IPC role, its aims, and future engagements on common objectives. The letters to all the member state’s speakers were also shared for further correspondence and strengthening of bilateral relations. This meeting played a very profound role in the future endeavours of IPC as 64 Parliamentarians from 13 countries became IPC members, reaching 170 + members from 47 Countries.

A delegation of the international parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) participated in the 5th General Assembly meeting of the Association World Election Body (A-WEB)

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) and the Secretariat of the A-WEB invited the IPC Secretariat to the 5th General Assembly Meeting of A-WEB and the International Conference on “Safeguarding Election Management Bodies in the Age of Global Democratic Recession”, that took place in Cape Town, South Africa from 19th to 21st October 2022. Manager Coordination and Procurement IPC Mr. Fayaz Thaheem, attended the meeting to experience and have profound participation in the General Assembly as well as in the international conference. At the event, Mr. Fayaz Thaheem met Electoral Commissioners of various countries and briefed them about the role of IPC. Similarly, he also shared the letters, written by Secretary General IPC Senator Sitara Ayaz to the commissioners to form bilateral relations and work with IPC in unison under the capacity of thematic areas. The participation from IPC was greatly acknowledged by the A WEB. IPC also shared the Global Election Directory with the newly elected Chairperson of A WEB and also with the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) and shared IPC’s experience in observing the election missions globally. After this participation, IPC has further enhanced its relationship with countries and its election commissions to seek guidance for IPC’s future activities to implement them in a more experienced way.

The President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Mr. Duarte Pacheco visited the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) Secretariat in Islamabad and also became its member

IPU President Mr. Duarte Pacheco visited IPC Secretariat in Islamabad on 13th September 2022, during his three-day visit to Pakistan. He was accompanied by Senator Faisal Saleem Rehman. Advisor to President IPC Mr. NoumanKhan and Secretary General IPC Senator Sitara Ayaz warmly welcomed him at IPC Secretariat. The meeting initiated with a comprehensive briefing about IPC to Mr. President, explaining the role of IPC and its journey of three years. Mr. Duarte appreciated the work of IPC in strengthening the role of individual parliamentarians towards development and promoting harmony. He shared his interest to work together for the mutual goal of spreading peace and democracy around the world and thus became a member of IPC by signing a membership form. The meeting was concluded by presenting the souvenirs to Mr. Duarte as a token of thanks for visiting IPC and becoming its member. IPC welcomes President IPU Mr. Duarte Pacheco as its honorable member and looks forward to strengthening cordial relations and working together on mutual goals

International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) Organizes A Meeting On Climate Change

Climate change is a serious risk to lives and threatens to undo decades of development efforts. The adverse effects of climate change are already evident, natural disasters are more frequent and more devastating making developing countries more vulnerable. Climate change is a global phenomenon, its negative impacts are more severely felt by everyone around the world. International Parliamentarians Congress is extensively working on Climate change and feel the need to highlight this issue specifically focusing on Water scarcity due to climate change. Therefore, a meeting was organized by IPC highlighting the topic “Climate Change and its implication on Water Scarcity” today. The objective of the meeting was to share and discuss the issue of climate change in detail focusing on the South Asia and South East Asia region and identifying ways to highlight the Water scarcity issue among the Parliamentarians of their respective countries. During the meeting, the Speakers including Chief Executive of Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change Ms. Ayesha Khan and Director of Riphah Institute of Public Policy Dr. Rashid Aftab talked about the global impact of Climate Change and the implementation of action to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change, and global warming. The meeting was attended by the Ambassadors from Azerbaijan, Nepal, Indonesia, China, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, and Sri Lanka, and representation from some prominent organizations including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, GIZ, National Disaster Management Authority, Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change, Institute of Regional Studies, and various Parliamentarians also showed their presence. The meeting was honored by the presence of the Federal Minister of the Ministry of States and Frontier Region (SAFFRON) as a Chief Guest who shared his views on the current Global issue of Climate Change and the role of Parliamentarians to mitigate it. He emphasizes on strengthening the bilateral relation with various countries to tackle the issue. Today, Pakistan is facing the consequences and we do not want it to reach out to other countries. Keeping in view the goals of IPC, the outcome of the meeting will be taking forward to consolidate it and further organize Global Conference on water Scarcity to reach out to global Parliamentarians and stakeholders. The meeting was concluded with the distribution of souvenirs and giveaways to all dignitaries as a token of thanks for their kind participation.

A two-member delegation from IPC attending the First Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network conference held in Baku, Azerbaijan

A delegation from IPC was invited by the Chairman of Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan/Vice President of International Parliamentarians Congress IPC Ms. Sahiba Gafarova to participate in the first Baku conference of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network, which began on Thursday in Baku, Azerbaijan, with the participation of several Speakers of Parliament from NAM member states. The IPC delegation included Secretary General Senator Sitara Ayaz and Assistant Secretary General Ijlal Ali Khan, headed by Senator Sitara Ayaz went on a three-day visit to Azerbaijan-Baku. On day 1, at the opening session of the Baku Conference, IPC delegation met with various Parliamentarians and international organizations. They shared the role of IPC and the importance of working mutually on the goal of the NAM Parliamentary Network together which is “Boosting the role of national parliaments in promoting global peace and sustainable development”. Day 2 of the BAKU Conference started with the speeches of multiple Parliamentarians sharing their experience of the conference and the specific role to work toward sustainable development. NAM Parliamentary Network gave an opportunity to Senator Sitara Ayaz Secretary General IPC to share her views thus she stated, “International parliamentary conferences play an essential role in highlighting global issues and curbing global challenges”. The networks like NAM also play a major role in attaining cooperation across borders and spreading sustainable development. IPC is keen to join hands with NAM Parliamentary Network to attain peace and bring developmental progression around the world. She added that IPC and NAM have mutual goals to resolve the global issue and work towards bringing peace and enhancing global interaction. IPC’s participation in the conference is a vital step to promoting peace, prosperity, and development and eliminating global challenges with the support of Member states and their parliamentarians and collectively achieving sustainable development globally. As a result of the participation, IPC received a membership growth and 30 Parliamentarians from different countries become members of IPC. The NAM Parliamentary Network was established on the sidelines of the 143rd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, held in Madrid. It aims to provide a framework for cooperation between the parliaments of NAM member states, with the participation of several other international organizations.

A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the International Committee of Red Cross and the International Parliamentarians Congress

The head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Ms. Dragana Kojic along with her other officials, including Mr. Jamal Khan, Deputy Head of delegation ICRC & Legal Advisor ICRC Mr. Usman Khan visited the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) to officially sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC), as per decided in the preceding meeting held at IPC secretariat in the month of February. The MOU is signed by Senator Sitara Ayaz, Secretary-General of IPC, and Ms. Dragana Kojic, Head of the Delegation of ICRC. The agreement devoted both organizations to working together in the areas of humanitarian diplomacy and Law, food security, health, and Climate Change. Moreover, both organizations are keen to bring together the Global Parliamentarians to highlight the other major social issues and organize conferences, and capacity-building sessions for various groups. This association between IPC and ICRC will promote eminent cooperation in the field of conflict resolution, humanitarian law, and societal norms and will strengthen the bilateral relations to work for the progressive world with equality and equity.

The Presidential Elections of Colombia 2022 first-round observed by the International Parliamentarians Congress

After receiving accreditation from the electoral Congress of Colombia mainly known as Consejo Nacional Electoral Colombiano, CNE on May 14th, 2022, IPC set an election observation mission to be sent to Colombia to observe Presidential Elections 2022 first round. Assistant Secretary General Ijlal Ali khan, visited Colombia for three days to carry out EOM. During his visit, he met the official of the CNE, visited the Electoral Council, and mark his observations for the report. Moreover, he observed that the voter turns out for Presidential Election was average, considering it a standard turnout, shared by the CNE Official. Moreover, the report on the Election Observation Mission of Colombian Presidential Elections 2022 has in its initial phase and soon will be shared with the government of Colombia for approval.      

International Parliamentarians Congress set to visit Colombia to observe the Colombian Presidential Election 2022

Assistant Secretary-General of International Parliamentarians Congress is visiting Colombia to observe the Colombian Presidential Election 2022 first round, to be held on 29th May 2022. IPC received the accreditation from the Consejo Nacional Electoral Colombiano, CNE (National Electoral Council) on May 14th 2022, thus an observation mission was planned. The mission involves assessing the election process in terms of its compliance and other international obligations and standards for democratic elections. Moreover, ASG-IPC will also be meeting the head of the Colombian Electoral Commission and other officials. After observing the elections, a report will be prepared, which will be presented to the government of Colombia for approval, after which it will be published.

Member Parliament Legislative Assembly NSW visited IPC

Member Parliament Legislative Assembly NSW Honorable Shaoquett Moselmane, MLC, along with his delegation visited IPC Secretariat. The meeting was fruitful in terms of discussion over IPC thematic areas and exploring working capacity with mutual interest.

International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Global Council for Peace and Tolerance GCTP in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) held the ninth session of its international parliament, chaired by His Excellency Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Jarwan, President of GCTP, and Her Excellency Margarita Restrepo, President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), at the Headquarters of the Federal National Council in UAE. The honourable member IPC Senator Kauda Babar who become a member of IPTP in July 2021, attended the session. The session was followed by the MOU signing ceremony between IPC and GCTP. The MOU was signed between the President GCTP H.E Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Jarwan, and the honourable Member and representative of IPC Senator Kauda Babar. GCTP is an international platform, established in November 2017 in Valetta, Malta with the mission to work on spreading the culture of tolerance and peace to address the issues of contemporary world peace and noble human objectives, through its different components such as the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) and the General Assembly. In alliance with MOU, IPC and GCTP will work together to promote distinguished cooperation in the field of tolerance and peace, conflict resolution, and human rights and will strengthen the bilateral relations to work for the progressive world with equality and equity.