International Parliamentarians Congress

The three-member delegation of International Parliamentarians’ Congress IPC from Pakistan reached Netherlands on 14th March and initiated observing the Netherlands Parliamentary Elections that commenced from 15th March 2021.

The Election Assessment Mission (EAM) is headed by the Vice President IPC Honorable Mohamad Ali Homoud, along with other core members of the mission, Assistant Secretary-General IPC Ijlal Ali Khan and Senator Zeeshan Khanzada.

The mission involves assessing the election process in terms of its compliance and other international obligations and standards for democratic elections. On day one, the delegation visited the 30 polling stations in the Hague City of Netherlands and observed their electoral procedures to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections and to seek guidance from Netherland’s electioneering process.

After visiting the polling stations, the delegation met H.E Mr Shujjat Ali Rathore, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the Netherlands, followed by a dinner hosted by him at his residence.

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