Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE and International Parliamentarians’ Congress (IPC), at IPC Secretariat, Islamabad.

A Meeting has been held Between Chief Executive Officer Of Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE Mr. Maxim Lavrov and Assistant Secretary-General of International Parliamentarians; Congress (IPC) Mr. Ijlal Ali Khan at IPC Secretariat Islamabad to sign an MOU between the organizations on 16th February 2021. The Climate Global Control Trading LLC UAE (CGCT) is dedicated to providing weather modification services around the world. The core idea of CGCT is to ensure that all the countries understand the concept of water security and the effects of climate change on all walks of life. CGCT is a pioneer in introducing Climate Cron which is the monetization of service concept. CGCT believes that through IPC, they can convey their idea to the entire member Parliamentarians of the world and they can make necessary legislative reforms to change the ways humans view climate change. Mother Earth is challenged by insecurities and inequalities of opportunities and resources that continue to trigger threats to humanity and peace in the shape of climate change, ecological depletion, and human rights. IPC endeavours to establish a worldwide network of individual Members of Parliaments across countries, who voluntarily and passionately intend to work in unison to perpetually develop cooperation, synergy, and strategies across parliaments to achieve a prosperous and peaceful world through international dialogues. IPC promotes parliamentary dialogue and oversight of Climate Change and Food Security; Human Rights; Peace, Security, Conflict Resolution, and Interfaith Harmony; Trade, Investment, and Developmental Cooperation. In this manner, IPC and CGCT recognize the importance of mutual collaboration and cooperation to achieve their respective mandate signed an MOU to work together on human rights, water security and climate change.