International Parliamentarians Congress

Islamabad, 26th September 2024— The Secretary General of the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC), Senator Sitara Ayaz, visited the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Islamabad today to meet with His Excellency, the Russian Ambassador MR. ALBERT P. KHOREV. During the meeting, Senator Ayaz formally presented the IPC’s comprehensive Election Observation Mission (EOM) report on the Russian Presidential Elections, which the IPC observed IN March 2024.

Accompanying the Secretary General were Mr. Naeem Murtaza, the Chief Technical Advisor to the IPC, and Mr. Fida Hussain Malik, Special Advisor of a global think tank on Climate change and SDGs to the IPC. The IPC delegation shared key findings from their observation of the elections, providing valuable insights into the electoral process and the democratic practices of the Russian Federation.

The discussion that followed the presentation of the report was both engaging and forward-looking, focusing on potential areas of collaboration between the IPC and the Russian Federation. The dialogue underscored the importance of regional connectivity and the role that parliamentarians from around the world can play in fostering cooperation and strengthening ties across regions. Both sides expressed mutual interest in exploring ways to work together to promote inter-parliamentary engagement on a regional as well as global scale.

The Secretary General also presented the report of the first conference on “Road Safety for Parliamentarians: A Global Perspective”to His Excellency, a conference, organized by IPC in Islamabad for both international and national parliamentarians.

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