International Parliamentarians Congress

International Parliamentarians' Congress

Connecting Parliamentarians

Amman, 8thJanuary 2024 – H.E. AbdelRahim Maaia, a member of the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC) from House of Representatives, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, observed the general elections of Bangladesh held on 7th  January 2024. This observation mission was conducted following the accreditation granted to IPC by the Election Commission of Bangladesh.

During the election observation mission, H.E. AbdelRahim Maaia met with officials from the Election Commission of Bangladesh, attended an orientation meeting on the elections, and participated in a dinner hosted by the Election Commission. These engagements provided a deeper understanding of the electoral processes and allowed for meaningful exchanges on best practices in election administration.

The experience proved to be highly informative, providing valuable insights into the electoral processes of Bangladesh. H.E. AbdelRahim Maaia had the opportunity to witness the comprehensive setup of polling stations, the professionalism of election officials, and the enthusiastic participation of voters. The high level of organization and the transparency of the process were particularly noteworthy.

The Election Commission of Bangladesh was commended for its efforts to ensure a fair and transparent election.

H.E. AbdelRahim Maaia remarked on the importance of such international observation missions, highlighting how they contribute to the promotion of democratic values and good governance.

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